The PLATINUM Package

Includes ALL of the Bonuses

Course curriculum

    1. Join the Group

    1. Introduction to the course

    1. Drop Timidity and Develop Audacity

    2. Patience

    3. Creativity

    1. Week 1 - Intro

    2. Week 1 - Appearance

    3. Week 1 - Seriousness

    4. Week 1 - Goal Oriented Mind

    5. Week 1 - Developing Self Esteem

    6. Week 1 - Masculinity throughout

    7. Week 1 - Silence

    8. Week 1 - Your Task for the Week

    1. 1st

    2. 2nd

    3. 3rd

    4. 4th

    5. 5th

    6. 6th

    1. How to Read People Part 1

    2. How to read people part 2

    3. How to read people part 3

    4. How to Read People Part 4: Understanding their weakness

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content


Attention, women! Are you ready to reclaim your authentic femininity and conquer the world with confidence? Join me on a transformative journey where we will delve into the depths of your true inner woman and inner man. It's time to break free from societal expectations that suppress your natural self and embrace your unique essence.

In a world that seeks to pigeonhole you and dictate who you should be, your true femininity becomes overshadowed and neglected. The result? Feelings of bitterness, confusing dating life, inability to read people, helplessness, anger, depression, and an overwhelming sense of self-imposed imprisonment. But fear not, for this course is here to liberate you!

Together, we will shatter the chains that bind your mind, ego, and inner child. No longer will you succumb to self-doubt or allow insecurities to hold you back.  Instead, we will forge a powerful alliance with these aspects of yourself, transforming them into allies through the wisdom of this course. Those voices that tell you who you are and who you’re not, will be overshadowed by the booming power of your inner voice.

In today's society, many women often find themselves burdened with an overwhelming expectation to take on most of the responsibilities. Meanwhile, men are encouraged to embrace their feminine qualities, creating an imbalance that can leave women feeling lost within the realm of gender roles. This not only generates frustration for both genders but also leaves many women questioning their femininity or feeling excessively masculine. Our course aims to restore harmony by guiding individuals towards a balanced expression of their true selves. Whether you feel the need to embrace your masculinity or soften your demeanor, our natural process will empower you to find your unique equilibrium.

Embrace the full spectrum of your feminine energy, nurturing it alongside the strength of your masculine side. Discover the synergy that occurs when these forces unite within you, creating a harmonious fusion that propels you towards your true potential.

Deep down, every man possesses a beautiful blend of both feminine and masculine energy. It's an inherent part of who you are, and it's something to be celebrated and honed. The secret lies in sharpening these inherent energies, allowing your confident, authentic self to radiate like never before.

By embracing both sides of your nature, you create a symphony of uniqueness that captivates everyone around you. Just like a delicate balance, your own personal concoction of femininity and masculinity is what sets you apart. It's time to embrace and preserve this exquisite equilibrium.

When you unlock this harmonious state, you tap into a wellspring of self-expression, creativity, and adaptability. You become a captivating enigma, impossible to read at first glance. Others will be in awe of your ability to seamlessly embody both masculine strength and feminine grace when the situation calls for it.

As you confidently navigate life in your true, unrepressed form, you'll notice a powerful transformation taking place. The world will acknowledge and honor your unique expression, granting you the respect and admiration you deserve. But it doesn't stop there. Your liberated self becomes a beacon of inspiration to others, inspiring them to embrace their own authentic selves.

REMINDER: This course Is NOT just for information. This course is for action and action only.

Embark on a 5-week journey with video lessons, exercises, and missions and we will do it in the following way:

Week 1: Establishing a Strong Masculine Foundation

During this week, we will focus on exploring and harnessing your inner masculine energy as a means to fully embrace your femininity. We will discuss how excessive exposure to purely feminine energy without balance can have negative repercussions. By understanding the qualities of masculine energy, characterized by logic, action, and goal-oriented behavior, we will lay the groundwork for personal growth and development. This week's objectives are as follows:

  • Explore the qualities of masculine energy: Delve into the characteristics of logic, action, and goal-oriented behavior that define masculine energy. Gain insights into how these qualities can enhance your personal journey.

  • Harnessing masculine energy for goal-setting: Learn how to utilize masculine energy to set goals, conquer self-doubt, and develop a broader vision for both your masculine and feminine self. Understand how this step is crucial in manifesting the various goals you aim to achieve throughout the course.

  • Cultivate assertiveness, self-discipline, and goal manifestation skills: Acquire the essential abilities needed to become your own inner bodyguard. Develop the courage and strength required to overcome obstacles and doubts. Learn practical techniques to project masculine energy when necessary, creating a balanced, harmonious, and unshakable presence.

Week 2: Embracing the feminine

During this week, we will focus on exploring and harnessing your inner masculine energy as a means to fully embrace your femininity. We will discuss how excessive exposure to purely feminine energy without balance can have negative repercussions. By understanding the qualities of masculine energy, characterized by logic, action, and goal-oriented behavior, we will lay the groundwork for personal growth and development. This week's objectives are as follows:

  • Minimizing excessive masculine traits: Learn how to balance the masculine aspects within your inner self. This usually occurs when a woman over identifies with her masculine to protect herself.

  • Developing awareness: Understand how to use consciousness to soften your inner self. This meditation I'll be teaching is prohibited simply because I can’t really teach it on youtube to it’s fullest extent. But this technique will LITERALLY liberate you. I have no doubt in my mind

  • Healing overabundant feminine energy: Discover methods to restore balance when feminine energy becomes too excessive.

  • Regulating emotions: Grasp the importance of managing emotions, as repressed feelings can disrupt the harmony of your femininity. And holding onto emotions for too long without releasing it turns into bitterness.

  • Mastering voice qualities and facial expressions of femininity: Learn to project feminine energy correctly through nonverbal cues and your voice. This can become a meditative exercise because it requires a certain level of self awareness.

  • Surrendering control and accepting pain: Understand how overcoming pain and practicing self-soothing can make you a source of positive emotions, radiating feminine energy from within.

Week 3: Femininity in the workplace

The professional landscape often poses perplexing challenges for many women. Questions like, "What's the appropriate level of femininity in work attire?" or "How should one carry oneself?" often arises. Gaining respect in the workplace can be a complex issue, particularly when the expression of feminine energy may lead to more difficulties than benefits. And ecen learning how to date as a powerful woman can be difficult. In this context, we will explore how to embrace certain masculine traits to navigate these challenges more effectively through the following way:

  • Dress and Demeanor: Strike the right balance of femininity in your professional attire and behavior. There are do's and don'ts that too many women fail to recognize that sabotages them without knowing it

  • Earning Respect: Learn how to command respect in your workplace, navigating the challenges feminine energy can sometimes present.

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • Dating as a powerful woman: This section is designed to guide you on how to introduce yourself to potential partners without causing intimidation or disinterest. Unfortunately, it's a reality that women of power often face additional challenges in their romantic pursuits. Hence, I will provide strategies to help mitigate the natural insecurities that an empowered woman might unintentionally stir in a man.

  • Embracing Masculine Traits: Explore how adopting certain masculine traits can aid your professional journey.

  • Leading with Grace: Understand the unique expectations for women in power and how to meet them effectively. How to lead men with feminine energy (that’s a weakness of theirs) and how to earn their respect without letting your feminine energy getting in the way

  • Thriving from the Lower Rungs: There are different rules of behavior for women in power vs women who don't have power in the workplace. You must follow them. Discover the do's and don'ts when you're in a subordinate position.

  • Avoiding Pitfalls: Identify common traps career women may face and learn strategies to evade them.

Week 4: Navigating the Labyrinth of Male and Female Friendship

Women naturally make more friends than men, but sadly there’s more conflict between female to female friendships compared to men. So it makes having and keeping friends difficult and tricky. So we will learn how to identify true allies, spot the fakes, handle envious friends without getting hurt, and even form new bonds as an adult. As women, balancing friendships can sometimes be complex, but with the right knowledge and tools, it becomes a rewarding journey. By the end of this section, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of friendship dynamics, empowering you to build and maintain healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Let's embark on this journey of friendship together! Here's what you can expect from this course:

  • Unmasking True Friends: We will explore the traits of genuine friendships, providing you with the tools to distinguish real friends from the fake ones.

  • Navigating Envy: Learn to identify signs of envy in friendships, and we'll equip you with strategies to handle such situations without causing emotional harm to yourself. You will also learn how to prevent envy, which is crutial.

  • Adult Friendships: Making friends isn't just for kids! We'll delve into effective techniques for forming meaningful friendships in adulthood, regardless of your age or life stage.

  • Balancing Friendships: Discover how to maintain a healthy balance between different friendships, ensuring each relationship receives the attention it deserves.

  • Cultivating Healthy Boundaries: Understand the importance of setting boundaries in friendships and learn practical ways to implement them.

  • Safeguarding Your Reputation: Envious friends often target your reputation, and for many women, this can be their primary battleground. In this course, you'll acquire the skills to build a robust reputation that can withstand any attempts to tarnish your public image.

Week 5: Releasing the burden of the past and destroying mental projections

Welcome to our exclusive section on releasing the energies that could be hindering the natural merger of feminine and masculine energy. This is not just any ordinary method; it involves a mysterious technique that we can't reveal just yet. But rest assured, this secret process has the power to unlock your true self. Here is what you can expect:

  • Unleashing Your Authentic Self: Discover how to prevent the build-up of negative energies that may be suppressing your true self. Our secret technique will guide you towards this liberation.

  • Shed the fake self: This method teaches you how to shed the old insecure self through the process of intense purification

  • See yourself and others are they are: The knowledge of yourself and others naturally lets go of your own inner defensive nature and see yourself and others with love. This is a natural process that happens on it's own with this method

Week 6: Increasing Your Observational Powers

Welcome to this transformative section of our course, dedicated to empowering you with the skills to effectively read and understand people. Naivete can be a woman’s biggest weakness, specially when in love. This chapter acknowledges a primary challenge for women: the potential deception of words. It's understood that while men can often be deceived by visuals, women are more likely to be misled by verbal cues. Regrettably, many women have lost their inherent ability to detect deception, often adopting a masculine way of observing the world. This shift in perspective has dulled their natural observational acuity. However, through this section, we aim to help you reclaim this lost skill, enabling you to discern between truth and falsehood. By the end of this section, you'll be equipped with a sharper sense of observation and a refined ability to read people, enhancing your interactions and relationships.

  • Deception Detection: You'll learn how to cut through the noise and detect deception, allowing you to see through false narratives.

  • Character Reading: Gain the ability to read a person's character accurately, providing you with a deeper understanding of people's motivations and intentions.

  • Seeing Beyond Facades: Equip yourself with the skills to see beyond surface-level portrayals and uncover people's true selves.

  • Increase your emotional intelligence: The process of learning to observe others will naturally increase your emotional intelligence. This trait has been linked to overall success in life.


Venture into this enlightening segment of our course, designed to transform your relationships into powerful spiritual catalysts. Drawing wisdom from ancient sufies, and enlightened beings throughout history, their profound insights will illuminate your relational dynamics in ways you've never experienced before.

  • Deep Self-Reflection: Learn to perceive your own reflection through the actions and reactions of your partners, offering a unique mirror into your inner self.

  • Dissolve Personal Biases: Uncover and dismantle your preconceived notions about your identity, paving the way for genuine self-discovery.

  • Cultivate Compassionate Love: Discover how to express love and care more deeply without compromising your boundaries or well-being.

  • Spiritual Growth: Embrace relationships as a spiritual journey, fostering personal growth and enlightenment. This transformative section promises to elevate your relationships, turning them into a path towards self-awareness and spiritual evolution. Get ready to revolutionize your relationship dynamics.

  • Overcome attachment styles: You’ll learn how to go from avoidant/anxious attachment style to a more secure and loving one. This procress has scientific data backing it.


The Exclusive Forbidden Meditation Method:

 This particular practice is typically off-limits, confined to select locations. However, within the confines of this exclusive course, I will guide you through this ancient meditation technique that isn't permitted to be taught on platforms like YouTube.

You will master the literal path to enlightenment - a journey accessible to all. ANYONE can embark on this transformative voyage. This bonus section will equip you with the skills to maintain a constant state of present-moment awareness throughout your day.

Moreover, we'll introduce you to a powerful purifying process designed to cleanse and release all inner impurities. Embark on this extraordinary journey towards enlightenment with us.


Discover the art of gently guiding others towards your desired outcomes without resorting to manipulation or coercion. By faithfully following the guidelines outlined in this section, you'll gain

  • Persuasion Techniques: Learn the five effective ways to persuade without manipulation

  • Learn the eye contact, body lanauge and way of speaking that melts resistance and makes people like you more

  • Winning People Over: Master the ability to win people over while making them feel genuinely good about themselves

  • Become a master conversationalist to the point people will think you're a spy by how easy people reveal information to you