This is a 5 week course where you'll learn how to bring presence into every aspect of your life.

This course is a gateway to a life of greater presence and inner peace. It will guide you on a path that few have traveled, but those who have, have found it to be a life-changing experience.

Through the power of meditation, we will unlock the full potential of your mind and spirit, enabling you to tap into a deeper level of consciousness and connect with your true self. You owe it to yourself to take this journey and discover the transformative power of meditation.

During Week 1 of this course, you'll learn how to see the world as it truly is by recognizing when your mind is creating illusions. 

This is a crucial aspect of the course, as understanding how your mind tricks you will enable you to break free from its grip on you. 

Additionally, I'll guide you through a powerful meditation that will demonstrate how the illusion of the mind works. 

It's important to complete this step before moving on to the next week, as it serves as the foundation for the rest of the course. 

Once you've completed this chapter, you can begin to practice what you've learned in preparation for the following week.

In Week 2, we'll focus on developing a consistent meditation practice, which is essential for building the presence and power you'll need to proceed through the following weeks and fully reap the benefits of the course.

I'll teach you how to meditate consistently, and show you the surprising benefits of meditation that you may not have considered before. 

I'll even guide you through a hypnosis session that will help you establish the habit of meditation and increase your motivation to stick with it. 

This same hypnosis technique is used to overcome addictions and compulsive habits, and it's highly effective for forming new habits like meditation.

I'll also share a simple strategy with you that helped me increase my own meditation time from 30 minutes a day to 3 hours a day. 

You'll learn how to enjoy your meditation practice so that it doesn't feel like a chore, and you'll be amazed by how easy it is to implement this strategy.

In Week 3, we'll explore how past traumas and attachments can sabotage our relationships, causing projections, neediness, and fear of loss. 

The intensity of these feelings depends on the level of trauma from our past experiences, but this chapter will teach you how to let go of the baggage that's holding you back in your dating life.

It's understandable if you feel uncomfortable about confronting your past, but this chapter offers powerful strategies for illuminating and managing those past experiences. 

We'll learn how the brain repurposes the past and brings it into the present moment, and how to dissolve the past through the present moment. 

This strategy is especially effective for dissolving the needy habits that can sabotage your dating life, allowing you to move forward with greater confidence and ease. 

As an added bonus, we'll explore how to turn dating itself into a meditation practice, helping you to stay present and centered in the moment.

Week 4

By learning to bring presence into past trauma, we can open our minds to bring presence into our social interactions. 

However, interacting with others' egos can cause us to forget presence and revert back to unconscious habits. 

By consciously bringing presence into social situations, we can enhance our charisma, reduce nervousness, and become an oasis of positive emotions. 

This can lead to others feeling comfortable around us and opening up to us, making it especially helpful in fields such as mental health. 

Ultimately, this section aims to help us embody the overall vibe of someone who is comfortable in their own skin.

Week 5

Building upon the previous lesson of bringing presence into social interactions, this week's focus is on having conversations while remaining present. 

WEEK 6: The Walking Meditation

This section we will learn how to use walking as a meditation.

 Sometimes we struggle to meditate for a long period of time, but we forget that we can alternate from walking to sitting and still be meditating. 

I have a few methods on how to achieve this practice.

 This will allow you to strengthen your practice and maintain a deep level of peace and focus even if you’re surrounded by distractions.


Bonus 1: What’s next?

Now, let me tell you about an incredible bonus meditation that you'll only be able to fully appreciate once you've developed enough presence through applying the strategies we've covered over the past five weeks. 

The "What's Next" meditation is one of the most profound experiences you'll ever have with the present moment.

It will show you how to sense yourself in all things, and how to view the world with the marvel and fascination of a child. 

It will deepen and amplify all that you've already practiced, taking your meditation practice to a whole new level.

I'm confident that if you apply this one meditation after completing the others, your life will be transformed in ways you never thought possible. However, in order to fully understand and benefit from it, you must have enough presence. 

Trust me, this bonus meditation is worth the effort, and I guarantee that it will be one of the most powerful and transformative experiences of your life. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your meditation practice and your life to the next level.

You will also have a meditation that comes with this section. 


+3 meditations
(Compassion, Breathing, and Walking meditation)


A complimentary 15 min session with me.


The Teachings of the Buddha

This bonus course is from a book called “The Teachings of the Buddha” where we will read together and I’ll break down some of the principles that I found to be life transforming. This course will teach you how to use compassion as a way to overcome self absorption and suffering. We will learn how the buddha meditated and how we can all apply it in our lives. 

This will be an additional 4-week series after 6 weeks.


This is a 5 week course where you'll learn how to bring presence into every aspect of your life.

Course curriculum

    1. Join our Whatsapp Group

    2. Save this event! Emotional Mastery "WHAT'S NEXT?" Zoom Class

    1. Welcome to Emotional Mastery

    1. Week 1: Initial Talk

    2. Week 1: Meditation

    3. Week 1: Post Talk

    4. Future Projection Meditaiton

    1. Week 2: Initial Talk

    2. Week 2: Meditation

    1. Week 3: Initial Talk

    2. Week 3: Meditation

    3. Week 3: Post Talk

    1. Week 4: Initial Talk

    2. Week 4: Meditation

    3. Week 4: Post Talk

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content