The Robert Greene Book Club


  • What You'll Get

    4 IN-DEPTH Monthly videos dissecting and applying Robert Greene's book, The Laws of Human Nature and discount on other courses and live events

  • Have Access To

    A community of members who will discuss the content of the book and a VIP Access to Robert Greene Book Club Facebook Page

  • You'll Also Get

    Quizzes and tests at the end of each lesson to engrave the lessons in your head plus lesson notes at the end of each video

Wouldn’t you love to have me as a personal tutor and guide as you read Robert Greene’s new book “The Laws of Human Nature” or any other Robert Greene Book?

Wouldn’t you love to have me there interpreting his text, and giving you practical advice on how to use the concepts we’ll learn and apply it to your life on a one on one level?

Look, this isn’t your normal book club by some dude who’s out here just to make money. No. The reason I’m doing this is because it not only provides my audience with more value, but it’s something that comes from within me. It’s something that I genuinely want to do and I’m just inviting you guys on this journey. If you find human nature as fascinating as I do, then this is the book club for you.

As a previous bible teacher, I learned that the best way to learn a subject is to take it slowly and take your time taking in the information.

Look, this is my dream. I absolutely love Robert Greene’s books because of how practical and realistic his books they are.

They are not for the weak. They are not for those who want to stay in their mind made prison. They are sources of information to liberate you and open your eyes to life’s darker nature. They give you a powerful dose of reality that penetrates the core of your being. It may not be pretty, but it’s realistic. It’s the realism that your parents failed to provide for you. I can assure you that after this book club, which could possibly take a year to complete, will transform your life just like it has transformed mine.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will be the format of the course?

    You’ll get access to each chapter on a weekly basis until the last chapter of the book. We will go chapter by chapter, and extrapolate as much information as possible and through my interpretation, I will give you guys practical advice on how to apply it in your lives. Every week a new video will come out and that video will be based on the chapter that we're chronologically following.

  • So, what will we be learning by studying the Laws of Human Nature?

    According to Robert Greene, we will learn “how to detach ourselves from our own emotions and master self-control, how to develop the empathy that leads to insight, how to look behind people's masks, and how to resist conformity to develop your singular sense of purpose. Whether at work, in relationships, or in shaping the world around you, “ But if you know how I teach, I will expand upon those concepts and integrate them not only to social situations, but to dating, and spirituality. In reality, this is my attempt to study his books, but also teach it straight from the source.

  • Will you be teaching only Robert Greene’s books?

    Yes. I will have other book clubs for other authors, but for now, I will simply study his books. The way it works is that each book is a club. So, you will pay a monthly price to be part of Robert Greene's book club for The Laws of Human Nature. Once that book is done, we will begin with another book, and the previous book that we finished, will go on sale for a higher price. If you were in the club, then you'll own the course yourself at the low price we're currently selling it for.

  • Will you teach other Robert Greene's books?

    Yes. I will have a course on Mastery, Power, and etc. So you’ll have a section for Laws of Power (eventually), The Art of Seduction, and Mastery which will be after The Laws of Human Nature, etc.

  • Will I have access to all the chapters if I sign up, let’s say 6 months into it?

    Don’t be slick. The way we do it is that the content will drip per week. In other words, if you sign up now, you’ll start in the first week and you will only have access to the information of the first week until you reach the second week and so on. I may give the options of being able to unlock one video per week, per your choice, but for now, these are going to be the options.

Course Curriculum

    1. Course Review

    2. Introduction to the Laws of Human Nature

    3. Chapter 1: The Law of Irrationality Part 1

    4. Chapter 1: The part of irrationality Part 2

    5. Chapter 2: The Law of Narcissism Part 1

    6. Chapter 2: The Law of Narcissism Part 2

    7. Chapter 3: Seeing Through People's Mask

    8. Mastery: Introduction

    9. Chapter 3: Seeing Through People's Mask Part 2

    10. Determining The Strength of People's Character Part 1

About this course

  • $59.99
  • 10 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Purchase The Laws of Human Nature

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